Personal Protective Equipment
GMC Project Development Consultants FZE provides Inspection, testing and certification of Personal Protection devices(s). The inspection will be conducted on accredited Emirates International Accreditation Centre( to comply with local requirement, and International standards.

The following are the list of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which will undergo Inspection.
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of PULLEY
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Rope – Low stretch kernmantle
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Rope – Dynamic mountaineering
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Rope clamp for mountaineering (ascender)
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Energy absorber
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of HELMET – Rope Access and Confined Space
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Connector
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Harness
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Descender
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Rope adjustment device
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Guided type fall arrestor
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Anchor devices
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Sling for mountaineering equipment
- Inspection, Testing and Certification of Lanyard